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IZOBLOK summarises VI Q 2022/2023

In the period of 18 months of the financial year 2022/2023,  IZOBLOK Group generated operating income of PLN 387 632 thousand. Consolidated profit on operating activities amounted to PLN 16 797 thousand, while EBITDA in the reported period amounted to PLN 33 754 thousand.

“In line with the expectations of the Company Management Board, the sustained improved market condition in the automotive industry helps the Company achieve its operational objectives. Prognoses related to the market could seem to be quite good, were it not for the negative signals from the German and French markets concerning additional relief payments with electric car purchases. Some manufacturers, e. g. VW, are already seeing dropping demand for EVs, with increasing pressure on EV prices, which may negatively reflect on margins across the entire supply chain. The market is seeing pressure to correct prices in concert with lower prices of raw materials and energy; at the same time, companies, including IZOBLOK, are having to cope with new challenges such as: an extreme increase in pay costs, service costs, the strengthening of the Złoty and high interest rates. IZOBLOK, thanks to the broad diversity of its customer portfolio, is developing stably and has good perspectives of development. The Company Board expects an increase in revenue in the coming years. One of the priorities of the Board in the coming quarters will be to ensure financial resources that are necessary to implement investments, thanks to which the Company will be able to achieve the assumed investment and operational objectives.

In the reporting period, IZOBLOK had not noticed any payment difficulties from business partners, and the execution of existing contracts is going as planned. Due to the sustained high variability of the environment, a change of expectations in the coming reporting periods cannot be excluded” says Przemysław Skrzydlak, President of the Management Board of IZOBLOK S.A.

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