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In the period of 9 months of the financial year 2022/2023, the operating revenue of IZOBLOK Group reached PLN 177,537,000, which is 56.8% more than in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. In the same reporting period, its operating profit amounted to PLN 4,992,000 and EBITDA was PLN 14,143,000.

“The year 2023, as we predicted, shows a slight improvement in the economic situation in the industry. After abrupt increases in energy costs in the previous year, we are currently experiencing a dynamic decrease (mainly gas prices, which is a key energy carrier for the company). We are aware that the market is destabilized and needs time to stabilize permanently. We are planning to launch several key projects this year, which will have a positive impact on our results with the continued improvement of the economic situation.

We are still trying to optimize processes, mainly in the direction of cost reduction and prepare for possible volatility in the coming quarters.

As at the date of publication of this report, the Group did not record any significant payment defaults from contractors or disruptions in the performance of existing contracts.

Taking into account the unique situation of the economic environment and the resulting economic effects, we cannot rule out a change in our expectations in subsequent reporting periods,” says Przemysław Skrzydlak, President of the Management Board of IZOBLOK S.A.

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