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In Q3 of 2020/21, IZOBLOK Group reached the sales income of the previous year, but the negative influence of the COVID-19 pandemics is visible in terms of the margins. From the beginning of the FY 2020/2021, the Group reached consolidated income from operations amounting to PLN 136,327.00, meaning 9.2% less than in the analogous period of the FY 2019/20220. Plus, there was a loss of PLN 6,393.00 generated from operational activities, and the EBITDA measure (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) in the reported period was PLN 7,807.00, which was 55.7% less than the analogous period of the previous year.

Despite difficult economic conditions, IZOBLOK was able to win in Q3 of 2020/21 new and considerable orders, among others: from Autoneum Poland, with total cost of PLN 73.7 million, and from Auria Solutions Ltd, with total cost of PLN 37.8 million.

‘The reported Q3 of 2020/2021 brought the period of a relative stability in the automotive branch. In this period, there were signs of refurbishing of the automotive market at the levels of pre-COVID-19 pandemics,but it is carried out differently in individual countries and— one way or another — at lower levels of income in comparison to the previous year. The rise in the number of orders is noticeable in plants in Poland, and, to a smaller extent, in the German plant.

I can assure you that our actions are directed towards full usage of the IZOBLOK Group’s potential, effective management of the available resources and minimizing of negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemics onto the results. We expect that, following difficult time, the situation in the national and global economy will head towards gradual improvement. This year, the Group continues development actions and aims at increasing sales and improving financial results.  Constantly, we will continue with organisational  and manufacturing improvements, which will provide for consistent and effective realization of an ambitious strategy. This, in turn, lets us look optimistically into the future’ — says Przemysław Skrzydlak, CEO of IZOBLOK S.A.

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