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IZO-BLOK shows over 13% increase in sales revenues for Q1 2015/2016

After QI 2015/2016 IZO-BLOK S.A. increased its sales revenue by 13.6% compared to the same period of the Financial Year 2014/2015.
After QI 2015/2016 EBIDTA was higher by 80.1% compared to the same period from the previous year reached PLN 4,540.7 (thousand) compared to PLN 2,521.6 (thousand) for QI 2014/2015. Financial results were affected by the increase of the PLN- EUR – FX rate, putting new orders into effect, new contracts and launching production of EPP elements using the technology of combining it with other materials. It was being produced on 3 specialist machines out of 8 ones planned to be up and running in the new plant at Kluczborska Street.

Net profit in QI of the Financial Year 2015/2016 reached PLN 1,352.5 (thousand) compared to PLN 2,331.4 (thousand) in the same period of the previous year. The decrease was due to financial costs related to the valuation of forward transactions on July 31, 2015. Operational profit was shaped at the level of PLN 3,767.0 (thousand) and increased by 93.7% compared to QI from the previous year. Gross sales revenue reached PLN 6,475 (thousand) and was higher by 46.4% compared to QI 2014/2015. The sales dynamics in the discussed quarter stood-at 13.6% compared to the same period in the Financial Year 2014/2015.

We are consistently implementing our business strategy. We have started production in the plant at Kluczborska Street, which is going to reach full capacity within the next 2 years. We have recorded over 13% increase in sales revenue for QI . We are paying close attention to the possibilities of acquisition in the country and abroad. We have expanded our stock of orders. We invest in development, and consequently, as announced, the net profit earned for the Financial Year 2014/2015 is allocated to the increase in the company’s reserves  – said Przemysław Skrzydlak, Chairman of IZO-BLOK S.A.

In Q2 2015/2016, the company plans to increase its capacity at Kluczborska Street to 50% of the target capacity and optimize production processes in the newly launched tool room.

The next quarter’s objectives are real, so I think that the nature of the liquidity and the change in the course of our shares will be maintained, so that our investors will still be able to go on with their investment positions. Both sales revenues and results earned for Q1 2015 are in line with our assumptions, said the CEO of IZO-BLOCK S.A.

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